Berhubung kemaren ada kejadian Perang antara Korea Utara ama Korea Selatan, aku mau postingin foto Yeonpyeong Island yang diserang ama Korea Utara di bulan November ini.
Check the Photo:
Smoke is seen at Yeonpyeong island near the border against North Korea, in South Korea.
Bener2 sangat disayangkan kejadian ini, berharap klo kejadian ini gak akan berlanjut lagi. Karena ini aka sangat merugikan kedua negara juga negara2 lain yang akan ikut terseret dalam perseteruan ini. Karena itu, STOP WAR, NO WAR AGAIN!!!
Smoke is seen at Yeonpyeong island near the border against North Korea, in South Korea.
INCHEON, South Korea — North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire Tuesday after the North shelled an island near their disputed sea border, killing at least two South Korean marines, setting dozens of buildings ablaze and sending civilians fleeing for shelter.
The clash, which put South Korea's military on high alert, was one of the rivals' most dramatic confrontations since the Korean War ended, and one of the few to put civilians at risk, though no nonmilitary deaths were immediately reported. Sixteen South Korean soldiers and three civilians were injured and the extent of casualties on the northern side was unknown.NB:
Bener2 sangat disayangkan kejadian ini, berharap klo kejadian ini gak akan berlanjut lagi. Karena ini aka sangat merugikan kedua negara juga negara2 lain yang akan ikut terseret dalam perseteruan ini. Karena itu, STOP WAR, NO WAR AGAIN!!!
Let's Lived in Peace, not Rest in Peace!!!
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