
Queen Seondeok Behind the Scene 4

Written by Yui Shinji 1 comments Posted in:

Beberapa foto behind the scene dan ng dari QSD, just have fun and enjoy...

kadorama-recapsBi Dam : Oh no..now the omen is floating....sigh..

kadorama-recapsBi dam : Let's jump...
Yu Shin : hmm..the water seem pretty cold..
Deok Man: ....

kadorama-recapsYui: Where are they...?

kadorama-recapsBi Dam : wait..I won't jump....
Deok Man : guys...I prefer to hold your hands..
Yu Shin : the water is really cold..

kadorama-recapsStuntmen : hoi....it's so fun down here....


kadorama-recapsKNG : wow..I'm pretty famous heh...

kadorama-recapsKNG : so..I sign here...what would you like me to write...?


kadorama-recapsMi Shil : Seol Won...you promised to support me to be the Queen right...?
Seol Won : yeah...ya..

kadorama-recapsMi Shil : Brother..look at those two...
Mi Saeng : Sis, they are still young...

kadorama-recapsMi Shil : those kids are really funny..

kadorama-recapsYui: you mean..them ?!

kadorama-recapsMi Shil : how dare you said that..Lord Seol Won..who's going to die..I, Mi Shil won't die..

kadorama-recapsSeol Won : you're really scared me to death...

Ha Jong : Mom..it's that true..you're really like that..
Mi Shil : I don't hear anything...I don't hear...


  1. Anonymous

    HAha awesome XD

    From Romania.We love your dramas!

    February 5, 2011 at 8:41 PM

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