
DBSK and Their Dogs

Written by Yui Shinji 0 comments Posted in:

Yunho’s dog Taepung
Yunho and his dog 'Taepung' (Siberian Husky)

Yunho and his dog 'Taepung' (Siberian Husky)

Yoochun’s dog Harang

Yoochun and his dog 'Harang' (Alaskan Malamute)

Yoochun and his dog 'Harang' (Alaskan Malamute)

Jaejoong’s dog Vick

Jaejoong and his dog 'Vick' (Great Pyrenees)

Jaejoong and his dog 'Vick' (Great Pyrenees)

Junsu’s dog Xiahki

Junsu and his dog 'Xiahki' (Samoyed)

Junsu and his dog 'Xiahki' (Samoyed)

Changmin’s dog Mang Dong

Changmin and his dog Mang Dong (Maltese)

Changmin and his dog Mang Dong (Maltese)

Who's the cutest dog?
Total Votes: 143

credits: shinestar@cyworld + leebbeuni@blog.naver + sharingyoochun@wordpress + TVXQBaidu + fangirlmitz + gorgeous18 + beccary@soompi + as tagged


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